What part of Tongkat Ali is your product made of ?
100% Tongkat Ali root

Which one do you use to extract your tongkat ali, water or alcohol ?
100% Water

What is the expiry date of your product ?
We produce freshly extracted tongkat ali. The expiration date is 2 years after your purchasing.

I just received your tongkat ali powder 1:200 and 1: 50 and it tasted very bitter, is it normal ?
As a comparison, we make 1000 capsules size 0 out of 300 grams powder extract. So it will make about 1600 capsules size 0 out of 500 grams powder extract.

How many capsules size 0 do you can make out of 500 gram of powder extract?
As a comparison, we make 1000 capsules size 0 out of 300 grams powder extract. So it will make about 1600 capsules size 0 out of 500 grams powder extract.

How many capsules size 00 do you can make out of 500 grams of powder extract?
As a comparison, we make 1000 capsules size 00 out of 600 grams powder extract. So it will make about 850 capsules out of 500 grams powder extract.

Does your product free of heavy metal ?
Our product is free of heavy metal (Our tongkat ali products have the lowest level of heavy metal) which has been tested in authorized laboratories.

What the meaning Tongkat Ali Extract / Capsule 1:200
1:200 means 200 grams of tongkat ali roots to produce 1 gram of extract.